The relationships between adaptive coping strategies and resilience have been studied in relation to the psychological well-being in the school context as protective factors in teenagers’ life (Dvrosky et al.2020; Pigaiani et al., 2020; Sagone et al., 2020; Zammuner, 2019; Heizomi et al., 2015). During the pandemic, the individual resources have been challenged and several teenagers showed signs of psychological weakness, because of the loss of daily contact with the school context. The principal aim of this study is to examine the relationships between psychological well-being, dispositional resilience, and coping strategies in a group of 175 Sicilian teenagers (age range 13-19). Data collection was carried out using three scales through Google Platform: 1) Psychological Well-Being Scales (Zani & Cicognani, 1999), consisting of 18 items valuable on a 6-point Likert scale; 2) Dispositional Resilience Scale (Prati, 2010; Sagone & De Caroli, 2014), composed by 17 items valuable on a 5-point Likert scale; and 3) Coping Orientation to the Problems Experienced-NVI (Foà et al., 2015), articulated in 25 items valuable on a 6-point Likert scale. Results indicated that: 1) positive attitudes (positively) and alienation (negatively) are correlated with autonomy, environmental mastery, relations with others, and self-acceptance; 2) problem orientation coping is positively correlated with environmental mastery and self-acceptance; 3) positive attitude is positively correlated with social support, positivity, and problem orientation coping; in addition, alienation is positively correlated with avoidance coping. The more these teenagers show high dispositional resilience, the more they express high psychological well-being; further, the more these teenagers tend to use functional coping strategies the more they show high psychological well-being; at last, the more these teenagers express a positive resilience toward life situations, the more they are oriented to use functional coping strategies. Future research will deal with the same topics after the pandemic.